Box catalan specialities
Box catalan specialities
In the "catalan specialities box" of Produits du Roussillon, you will find catalan specialities and products made with famous ingredients from Pyrénées-Orientales , such as Céret cherry , Banyuls or anchovies from Collioure :
A bottle of Muscat de Rivesaltes from Domaine Lafage , 50cl : Muscat de Rivesaltes is "the" famous sweet wine in the Pyrénées-Orientales . You cannot visit the region without tasting this marvellous sweet wine. The Muscat de Rivesaltes enclosed in this box has won a Gold medal in the "concours général Agricole"- Paris 2023.
A pack of 8 "rousquilles" : traditional catalan speciality , the rousquille is a smooth pastry flavoured with lemon and covered with glaze.
A "pan tomate" jar, 170g : Pan tomate or pan con tomate is eaten in south and north Catalunya as a tapas. It is produced with uncooked tomato, olive oil and garlic. It is eaten on toast, eventually with Serrano ham.
A bottle of Banyuls vinegar : Banyuls is a famous sweet wine , produced in Banyuls sur mer, Collioure, Port-vendres and Cerbere. This vinegar will give a sophisticated touch to your dishes.
A catalan mustar jar, 200g : tasty mix of mustard seeds and peppers, it is perfect with grilled meat and vegetabes.
A "tapenade" jar, 90g : Tapenade is a mix of anchovies ,olives, garlic and capers. It is eaten for aperitif on toasts.
A pack of "croquants" with Céret cherry , 200g : the croquants are a famous pastry. In this recipe, you will find pieces of cherries from Céret ( a city in Pyrénées-Orientales well known for the production of cherries. The Cherries from Céret are the first to be picked and sold every year in France).